Welcome to teaching with Texas REALTORS®! Please see the resources below to make teaching under the association’s provider smooth.
Instructor and Course Information
- Contact Texas REALTORS® with questions about instructors or courses.
- Most CE courses do not come with prepared material. You can craft your own within the guidelines of the course objectives.
- Provide your evaluation results for classes taught.
Instructor Candidate Resources
- Go here for information on how to become eligible to teach additional programs.
- Once you have been approved as an instructor, you will be given access to the Instructor File Share where applicable course materials are stored.
New Course Requests
- If you would like to have a new course approved by TREC, please complete the course application form.
Instructor Credit Request
- To receive CE credit for course(s) taught, please complete the instructor credit request form.
- Send the completed form to education@texasrealtors.com.
Teaching at Associations
- Please schedule directly with the association.
- Compensation determined by instructor and association.
- The associations will submit course information to Texas REALTORS® for processing.
- We offer a broadcast calendar for instructors to schedule classes, and we will promote them to local associations. Classes are scheduled quarterly on a first-come, first-served basis, and instructors are limited to scheduling up to 10 classes per quarter. Please submit your request to have a course added to the broadcast calendar here.
Teaching Outside of Associations
- A signed Co-Sponsorship Agreement is required prior to teaching your first class, this will be emailed via DocuSign for your review. Contact Texas REALTORS® to request the agreement.
- You set your own charges to attendees as you see fit.
- Instructor will be responsible for paying the per-person charges at the time the class is submitted for CE processing. Texas REALTORS® will generate an invoice in EdConnect payable at that time to complete submission of the class.
- Please note: Classes taught at a brokerage cannot invite agents from another brokerage to attend.
- To obtain the list of per-person charges for CE classes, please refer to the Courses Report available in the Instructor Portal of EdConnect.
Speaker Request
- Interested in speaking at our next meeting or event? Please complete the Speaker Request Form.
Texas Certifications
- Texas REALTORS® has created a variety of state-specific content for members to grow in their area of interest. Below are the credentials and instructor criteria required in order for existing Texas REALTORS® Certified Instructors to apply for each topic. Please complete our Texas Certifications application and remit a $50 application fee if interested in teaching any of these classes.