Welcome to teaching with Texas REALTORS®! Please see the resources below to make teaching under the association’s provider smooth.

Instructor and Course Information

    • Contact Texas REALTORS® with questions about instructors or courses.
    • Most CE courses do not come with prepared material. You can craft your own within the guidelines of the course objectives.
    • Provide your evaluation results for classes taught.

Instructor Candidate Resources

      • Go here for information on how to become eligible to teach additional programs.
      • Once you have been approved as an instructor, you will be given access to the Instructor File Share where applicable course materials are stored. 

New Course Requests

Instructor Credit Request

Teaching at Associations

      • Please schedule directly with the association.
      • Compensation determined by instructor and association.
      • The associations will submit course information to Texas REALTORS® for processing.
      • We offer a broadcast calendar for instructors to schedule classes, and we will promote them to local associations. Classes are scheduled quarterly on a first-come, first-served basis, and instructors are limited to scheduling up to 10 classes per quarter. Please submit your request to have a course added to the broadcast calendar here

Teaching Outside of Associations

      • A signed Co-Sponsorship Agreement is required prior to teaching your first class, this will be emailed via DocuSign for your review. Contact Texas REALTORS®  to request the agreement.
      • You set your own charges to attendees as you see fit.
      • Instructor will be responsible for paying the per-person charges at the time the class is submitted for CE processing. Texas REALTORS® will generate an invoice in EdConnect payable at that time to complete submission of the class.
      • Please note: Classes taught at a brokerage cannot invite agents from another brokerage to attend.
      • To obtain the list of per-person charges for CE classes, please refer to the Courses Report available in the Instructor Portal of EdConnect.

Speaker Request

Texas Certifications

    • Texas REALTORS® has created a variety of state-specific content for members to grow in their area of interest. Below are the credentials and instructor criteria required in order for existing Texas REALTORS® Certified Instructors to apply for each topic. Please complete our Texas Certifications application and remit a $50 application fee if interested in teaching any of these classes.
    • Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI)
      1. Satisfy requirements to teach qualifying courses outlined on the Texas REALTORS® Instructor Candidate Application
      2. Attain GRI Designation 
      3. Audit GRI courses: GRI Business SkillsGRI Contracts to ClosingGRI Real Estate Brokerage. Must audit four (4) GRI topics within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post application date.
      4. Complete Instructor Training Institute within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post application date
      5. Have successfully taught at least 18 hours of non-GRI courses through the Texas REALTORS® provider, receiving a minimum instructor rating of 4.0 in each course, and taught a minimum of five (5) hours in one day as part of the 18-hour total within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post-application date
      6. Give a mock presentation on substantive GRI topic for designated Texas REALTORS® Professional Development committee members
      7. Interview with designated Texas REALTORS® Professional Development committee members
    • Texas Accredited Commercial Specialist (TACS)
      1. Satisfy requirements to teach qualifying courses outlined on the Texas REALTORS® Instructor Candidate Application
      2. Meet at least one of the following criteria: Be a CCIM approved instructor, be a CCIM designee with five (5) years of active experience as a licensed commercial practitioner, or have seven (7) years of active experience as a licensed commercial practitioner
      3. Within the past seven (7) years, the applicant must have successfully completed a minimum of five (5) documented transactions. Lease renewals will not be counted towards meeting this requirement.
      4. Attain TACS certification
      5. Have successfully taught at least three (3) courses, totaling a minimum of nine (9) hours of instruction through the Texas REALTORS® provider, and received a minimum instructor rating of 4.0 in each course within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post application date
      6. Complete Instructor Training Institute within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post application date
      7. Give a mock presentation for designated Texas REALTORS® Professional Development committee members
      8. Interview with designated Texas REALTORS® Professional Development committee members
    • Code of Ethics
      1. Identify as or have at least one (1) of the following:
        • • Professional Standards training instructor
        • • GRI instructor who is also an active Texas REALTOR®
        • • Endorsement from a local Association Executive or Education Director
      2. Three (3) years as a Texas REALTOR® instructor. Have successfully taught at least 18 hours of course instruction through the Texas REALTORS® provider and received a minimum instructor rating of 4.0 in each course within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post application date
      3. Audit the NAR Code of Ethics course within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post application date
    • Texas Affordable Housing Specialist (TAHS)
      1. Attain the TAHS certification
      2. Complete Instructor Training Institute within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post application date
      3. Letter of recommendation by local association or existing TAHS instructor
      4. Successfully taught 18 hours of CE courses through Texas REALTORS® in the areas of housing affordability, mortgage lending, or home financing, with an instructor rating of 4.0 or higher in each course within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post application date
    • Texas Risk Reduction Specialist (TRRS)
      1. Attain TRRS certification 
      2. Complete Instructor Training Institute within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post application date
      3. For the Intro to Risk Reduction course, you must be eligible to teach Broker Responsibility. 
      4. For all courses, currently or within the last two years from the date of application, serve as a sponsoring broker, managing broker, or supervising broker associate.  
      5. Must hold credentials or show extensive experience in the content areas below to propose elective classes in that area:
        • • Residential
        • • Commercial
        • • Property Management
        • • Farm & Ranch
      6. Endorsement by the Risk Reduction Committee. 
      7. Successfully taught 18 hours of CE courses through Texas REALTORS® with an instructor rating of 4.0 or higher in each course within 12 months prior to and/or 12 months post application date
    • Professional Standards
      1. Must have been on the Professional Standards committee within two (2) years prior to application, serving a minimum of twice on Grievance Tribunal and a minimum of three (3) times on a hearing panel, one of which must have been an arbitration or as a mediator for an arbitration request.
      2. Three (3) years as a Texas REALTOR® instructor. Have successfully taught at least 18 hours of course instruction through the Texas REALTORS® provider and received a minimum instructor rating of 4.0 in each course within 12 months prior to application date
      3. Complete course curriculum training within 12 months prior to application date
      4. Complete Instructor Training Institute within 12 months prior to application date
    • Texas Residential Leasing Specialist (TRLS) & Texas Residential Property Manager (TRPM)
      1. Attain the TRLS and TRPM certifications
      2. Complete Instructor Training Institute within 12 months prior to/and or 12 months post application date
      3. Successfully taught 18 hours of CE courses through Texas REALTORS® with an instructor rating of 4.0 or higher in each course within 12 months prior to/and or 12 months post application date
      4. Interview with the Property Management Committee leadership and Texas REALTORS® staff liaison
      5. Endorsement by the Leasing and Property Management Committee leadership

Senior Instructor

Texas REALTORS® recognizes instructors who have exhibited exemplary teaching, provided the highest level of instruction, motivated students, and created a positive classroom environment through a variety of delivery platforms. Given their vast experience in real estate and education, Senior Instructors ensure that the learning objectives, content, activities, and assessments are aligned with the standards and expectations of the organization. They serve as the primary contributors to and facilitators of our Instructor Training Institute (ITI) curriculum (after auditing the training). In addition to teaching the ITI, Senior Instructors are the only ones eligible to teach the GRI and TACS classes through the broadcast platform, are given first opportunity to schedule classes through the subscription program, and are utilized to offer instructor trainings through the year via Zoom. In addition, Senior instructors assist in instructor credentialing and can serve as a mentor for new instructors.

Review the Senior Instructor application for more information on candidate criteria. To apply, submit the application and remit a $50 application fee.